60min Distant Reiki & ThetaHealing Session with an Intuitive Card Reading


Are you ready to transform your life and live in your purpose? Embark on a profound journey of healing and self-discovery with our 60-minute Distant Reiki & ThetaHealing Session. This healing session will be enhanced by a private intuitive card reading in addition to your healing notes delivered via a private video link. Our expert practitioner, Katherine Nichole, channels the powerful energies of Reiki and ThetaHealing, connecting with you from afar to balance your energy centers and promote holistic well-being. Energy is everything. Take your power back today!

Tossing and turning through sleepless nights? Battling the grip of anxiety and wrestling with the weight of depression? Are questions about your purpose and the manifestations in your life keeping you awake? Allow the transformative touch of Energy Healing and Intuitive Guidance to light your path! Hand in hand, we’ll navigate these uncertainties, unraveling fears, and nurturing your inner strength to illuminate the way to your most vibrant and fulfilling existence. Embrace this journey toward empowerment, and let’s co-create a life that truly resonates with your essence!

Distant energy healing is a powerful practice that transcends physical boundaries, harnessing the universal life force energy to promote healing and balance in a recipient, regardless of their location. Through intention and focused energy, a skilled practitioner, like myself, channels healing vibrations across time and space, directing them toward the recipient’s energy field. This process taps into the interconnectedness of all things, enabling the recipient to receive the healing benefits as if the practitioner were physically present. Distant energy healing can address physical, emotional, and spiritual imbalances, promoting relaxation, rejuvenation, and overall well-being.

This 60 minute distant session includes: A Distant Sage Ceremony to clear your home and personal spaces of all lower vibrational energy. Chakra clearing, healing and balancing. Aura cleanse, repair, and strengthening. A full release of energy not serving your highest good and release of other people’s energies and attachments. Soul fragment retrieval and calling back of all of your power with focused attention on any part(s) of your body that is in pain or discomfort.
I incorporate 7th plane ThetaHealing® and Reiki with the energy of the most powerful master healers working with me to facilitate and bear witness to the healing of your body, mind, heart and spirit. The healing will be followed with a personal video within 24 hours of the session including an intuitive card reading on any questions you have in your life regarding personal growth, spiritual development, relationship insight, and career and finances.
I have had the honor of helping many people heal trauma, overcome obstacles, close out cycles that are not serving them, transform relationships, and so much more. It will be my honor to assist you and your loved ones on this journey. Energy healing is a wonderful addition to your current wellness plan. After you have paid, please email me at [email protected] or text me at 619-400-9639 and we will set a time to talk prior to the session. 



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